Thursday 31 October 2013

Idea generation

Idea Generation

What is idea generation?

Graham and Bachman, 2004 state that Idea generation is the process of creating, generating, developing, and communicating a new idea, this idea can be visual, concrete or abstract, but in the case of idea generation within sport the product/idea would often be either concrete or visual. Johnson, 2005 believes in comprising all stages of a thought cycle, from innovation, to development, to actualization.

Examples of idea generation

Pre 1950’s football players would hammer studs into their football boots in order to give them traction on the pitch, this was a large burden as players would be wearing hard metal studs in summer months and the inconsistency of the stud configuration would also affect how they played. In 1954 Adi dassler introduced ‘screw in studs’ which allowed a more consistent figuration, additionally it allowed players to change from metal studs to rubber studs depending on the surface (Soccer boot, 2013)
Another example of idea generation was the adding of ball bearings into a football to allow blind people to play using there hearing (bbc news, 2010)

Collision sense®


My sport product I’ve generated is the Collision senser. This uses a sensor that is connected to a small central hub on the back of a sportsman’s shirt, it measures the power of an impact on the human body.
When developed fully the possibilities and directions collision sense offers are endless.

Collision sense in football
Impact in tackling is a huge talking point in football especially with the constant abuse of gamesmanship through diving. However with collision sense a referee can be made instantly aware of if and when a player was fouled, therefore abolishing cheating out of the game of football. The impact reading will be sent to the referee’s ear pierce, along with whether the impact happened before the tackler made contact with the ball (which will also have a sensor as part of the skin of the football.

Collision sense in full contact sports
In sports such as Rugby, American football, boxing and MMA collisions can be measured for entertainment purposes so that spectators can really see who hits the hardest! From this promotion ideas such as ‘hit of the night’ can be introduced bringing with it huge sponsorship capabilities.

Reference list How do blind people play football so well, Acessed 28/10/13

Graham, D and Bachmann, T., (2004) Ideation: The Birth and Death of Ideas. John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Jonson, B (2005) Design Ideation: the conceptual sketch in the digital age. Design Studies Vol 26 No 6 pp 613–624.

Soccer Boot, Soccer, 2013 10-14 Accessed: 28/10/13